SAC Songwriting Challenge 2015

So, in partnership with SOCAN, the Songwriter's Association of Canada, an organization I've worked for (still do) and have been a member of for a while, has issued a 6-week challenge to a select group of its members. It will involve weekly songwriting challenges, as well as the opportunity to "pitch" a working recording artist. I decided to opt in because I need a bit of a nudge of late.

Discouragement, apathy, cynicism...These don't make for a great songwriting fodder...Unless you're writing. And I haven't been writing, at least not the way I need to be, because I've felt discouraged, apathetic and cynical. I wonder if this isn't a vicious cycle for a lot of creatives, especially ones who work or have worked in the industry.

The crazy thing is, I'm happiest when I'm writing, so what's the deal? I'm not entirely sure, and I could take a bunch of time to throw out guesses, but maybe that's something each writer needs to answer for his or herself. A lot of us have things that hold us back - fear (fear of failure or looking/sounding ridiculous is a big one for me) pain, depression, laziness, low self-esteem, disorganization, impulsiveness. These things can hold us back from doing what makes us feel good, unless we make a decision to do differently. For me, signing on to this challenge is a step in a positive direction, and I'm determined to have a crack at it.

Part of the challenge includes writing a blog to reflect upon the experience, so I'll be filling in some more pages of this section of my site...I hope you'll stay tuned, and perhaps be inspired to create a challenge of your own - the helpful, make-you-happy kind...
